Why Patience is the Key to Poker
George | April 8, 2010

The most common reason why poker became so popular in such a short time is because the core of the game is the individual’s mind. Mastering excellent life skills such as making the right choices and disciplining yourself whenever you run out of choices are some of the virtues of this game.
A game for a lifetime
Those who have played poker know that it is a game for a lifetime. If life hasn’t taught players how to have discipline and how to be aggressive without being reckless, then poker will fulfill this educational task. The game requires constant learning, adapting, and improving, making it a lifelong pursuit.
Discipline and patience
Everyday routines provide enough events that parallel basic poker strategies. For example, we must have patience and discipline when we fry an egg for breakfast or wait for our best friend at the corner. Imagine the aftermath of these basic events if we lack discipline and patience. Odds are that we would end up at the hospital with burn marks on our face, or we would damage an incredible friendship.
It goes without saying that these two principles are at the basis of the golden rule in poker. Having patience is essential; in fact, it makes all the difference. You could have truckloads of money to buy chips, but if you don’t have that tiny detail, you’re bound to fail. The ability to wait for the right moment, the right hand, and the right situation is what separates good poker players from great ones.
The goal in poker
I’ve never seen anybody who played poker to lose. It defies any logic to come to the poker table and be impatient. The most generous interpretation would be that somebody is eager to win, but this eagerness often leads to poor decisions. The conclusion is simple: not having patience is poisonous for the game. Without consistent discipline, you won’t become a successful poker player in the long run. The goal of every player is to gather as much money as possible and go home victoriously.
Crushing the competition
Poker implies mastering psychological manifestations. Contrary to what some believe, staying within your own head and guiding your impulses is mandatory. Avoid the temptation to get into somebody else’s head to win the pot. Understanding your own thoughts, emotions, and reactions gives you the clarity to make sound decisions. The secret behind crushing the competition is straightforward: knowing how to unleash your mental faculties and nothing else.
Lack of patience leads to mistakes
With so much enthusiasm under their shirt, players often play hands they shouldn’t, or at least that’s what logic would dictate. This is a pure sign of a lack of patience. The bottom line is that playing trash hands from the wrong position should always be avoided. Missing the big blind due to negligence triggers frustration, and soon you’ll find yourself at the verge of rocketing from the table. Whatever you do, do not show your emotions, or you’ll risk throwing your patience to the wind. Avoid these mistakes, and you will strike gold.
Patience is key
No matter if you play free poker, online poker for real money, or together with friends, you will discover that patience is one of the most important keys to poker. Patience allows you to wait for the right moments, avoid costly mistakes, and maintain a clear mind. It helps you observe your opponents, understand their tendencies, and exploit their weaknesses.
By developing discipline and patience, you not only improve your poker game but also cultivate valuable life skills. Poker teaches you to make calculated decisions, stay calm under pressure, and maintain focus over long periods. These skills are transferable to various aspects of life, making poker a game that offers lessons far beyond the table.
In summary
Poker is a game that mirrors life’s challenges and rewards those who master its virtues. Discipline, patience, and mental acuity are essential components of a successful poker strategy. By embracing these qualities, you can enhance your poker performance and enjoy the lifelong journey of continuous improvement. Whether you’re a novice or an experienced player, remember that the true essence of poker lies in the mind’s ability to navigate the complexities of the game.